
Here is my complete setup that I use for work and other interests


PC setup


Tools and applications I use for work

  • Windows 11 - Windows is where I started and where I am. It's my daily driver and I feel at home with it even though I am an insider and use the Beta build...
  • Ubuntu WSL - ...but I am equally comfortable on Linux, especially Debian based systems. Ubuntu is my go to distro and I use it regularly via WSL.
  • Firefox - I have been using Firefox since the day I started using a PC. I don't remember why I started using Firefox but I definitely can't do without it.
  • Edge - Edge is my choice of Chromium based browser and its workspaces and the separation of personal and work accounts are the main reasons why I sometimes prefer it over Firefox.
  • Microsoft 365 - For all the businessy things. Ngl, I hardly have any need for them.
  • Jetbrains - Arguably the best suite of software out there. The Jetbrains suite of IDEs is what I primarily use for my day to day work and I can't be thankful enough that it exists.
  • Visual Studio - For those pesky legacy reasons when Jetbrains Rider doesn't work.
  • Visual Studio Code - My text editor of choice. Also great when I need to make minor edits to source code for which I don't want to spend 10 seconds opening up a Jetbrains IDE. Also pretty useful for debugging bash scripts since Jetbrains IDEs doesn't allow setting breakpoints to .sh files.